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May, 2012

Subluxation, Inflammation and Supplementation

By Brandon Nielsen, DC

If you think using the word supplementation in the same sentence as subluxation is evil or contrary to what B.J. or Clarence might have taught, then you really need this article.

Whether you focus on relieving nerve pressure and nerve interference, practice nutrition counseling, muscle testing or even integrative medicine, I have experienced all of these and realize the fact that the face of chiropractic is changing. Are you going to get left behind, or rise to greatness. There will always be nerve pressure, there will always be subluxations, and there will always be people that need our help; but there is uncertainty in our field of business. I realize that the economy is unpredictable and I focus on those things that I have control over and most particularly: How well I am distinguishing myself from every other practice out there?

Do you believe you are at the top in your community? Do you still think that because you don't have an MD behind your name, you are less of a practitioner? People are no longer looking for a title. They want a leader who will give them answers and results.

Supplementation vs. Drugs

The insurance industry and pharmaceutical companies have tried to monopolize healthcare with their puppet pill pushers, but have you seen what is happening? For the first time in my lifetime, many people are no longer trying drugs first. We have arrived at the great day when people are no longer looking to drugs as the answer.

And the pharmaceutical industry and drug lords cannot control the supplementation space because it is already way too big. They cannot put a patent on nutrition and the established nutritional companies have not sold out to them yet.

Have you noticed the number of supplement and whole food stores popping up around you? It is plain that thre is a massive wave of wealth moving toward supplements.

The Stars Are Aligning

Supplements are going to be a multi-trillion dollar global industry and you are perfectly positioned for this wave of wealth. But you have a choice to make: you will either ride the wave, watch it from the shore, or get wiped out.

Do you remember the phrase, "do no harm." Have you ever heard of anyone dying from supplements. No, you haven't. You don't and won't hear of anybody dying from supplements. You are a doctor. When people think of sickness, their thoughts have changed. The shift in thinking is this, maybe there is an herb, vitamin or supplement that I could take before taking a drug. Deep down inside we all know that drugs kill. People don't really want to take drugs, they just want results. Drugs are the pill that kill, not supplements. Your patients are becoming more educated and they are going to get the supplements that will help them.

Either they will get them from you or they will continue to get them from that new vitamin store in your community. And you know the advice they are getting from the vitamin store is less than credible. It will usually be from a high school kid who gets paid minimum wage and just sells some vitamins because that is his job.

One Way To Start

So, where do you start? You start with what you know. You do know that inflammation can cause or keep misalignment from going away. In order to speed up the healing process, you must decrease inflammation but allow for an increase in circulation. What better way to do this dramatically than starting with one supplement compound that will do just that. The one supplement I want to talk about is l-arginine.

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