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Also, I've seen some information that L-arginine in supplementation form can actually be hurtful for certain kinds of heart patients...true? If so, that needs mentioning and cautions.

L-Arginine is considered to be a miracle molecule. In fact the research and scientific studies by Louis Ignarro of l-argnine are so complete that a Nobel Prize was awarded to him. He and his team of researchers also found that the half life of l-arginine is so short, you must also have l-citrulline present for the ability to extend the life of l-arginine in the body. They also found that you need to have at least 4-6 grams of l-arginine to even make a difference in circulation. By adding other minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, you create a synergistic supplement that really changes your patients lives.

L-Argnine allows the endothelial lining of your arteries to relax, therefore decreasing vaso- and myospasms. By increasing circulation, you increase oxygenation. L-Argnine changes your arteries from being sticky like velcro to being slippery like teflon. I have been using l-arginine in my clinic and not only has it increased healing time in my patients, it has given me an added source of income that I wasn't taking advantage of. It reminds me of my patient who continued having extreme muscle pains and aches in his legs even after innate was flowing. He had already been to the medical doctor and that didn't help. Although I was adjusting him, the innate was not flowing as fast as he wanted. I thought about l-arginine and circulation. I knew I couldn't hurt him, so I put him on it. I am very pleased to say that not only did his muscle aches and pains decrease, but he came back to my office just to get more l-arginine.

I love the other patient who came back to me telling me all the drugs she was taking. Her forward head posture kept going more and more forward. I felt like I couldn't stop it. I knew she had a lot of inflammation and figured an increase of circulation would definitely help her. I let go of my ego and simply put her on l-arginine. She decided to stay on it and has been on it since. I still remember the day when she came back into my office for an adjustment and she said, "Dr. Nielsen, I went into my cardiologist for a check up. The EKG tech told me that my heart was healing. He wasn't able to find the problems that were there previously!" She was so excited! Not only were her muscle aches decreased dramatically but the 50% arterial blockage was now healing.

How about the patient who was on his deathbed, his lungs were filling with fluid, his legs had pitting edema and his heart and kidneys were starting to shut down. He desperately came to me looking for answers. He really felt like his days here on earth were getting few. You would obviously recognize that this guy needed better circulation. What increases circulation? Chiropractic adjustments combined with l-arginine increase circulation. His turn around has been dramatic!

You all know the feeling the day after working out - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I personally like to do interval training, and just this year, I finally achieved my fitness goals and optimal weight by using the combination of l-arginine and l-citrulline. If you are working out, there is nothing better than increasing circulation and oxygenation to both body and brain. That is exactly what l-arginine will do for you and your patients.

The paradigm has shifted and people want natural results. They look up to you as the expert. Remember, they can get nutrition from you or they will get it from somebody else. What makes me really excited is people are no longer just coming into my clinic for subluxation but they are now asking me for supplementation.

Dr. Brandon Nielsen is the founder of Life Discovery Wellness and practices in Utah as an elite, alternative chiropractor, author and consultant. For more information, visit or call (801) 980-0044.

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