2. Crunch With Legs Raised
This is a variation on the basic crunch.
Starting PositionSame as basic crunch except the feet are off the ground; knees are bent at 90 degree angle and feet are crossed.
Same as crunch movement.
3. The Oblique Crunch
The oblique crunch does just what it says - it works on your obliques (the waist). Make sure to do the same amount of crunches on each side for a symmetrical effect.
Starting Position
Lie on an exercise mat with your knees bent and hands behind your head. Lift your left leg so your knee is at a 90 degree angle and the lower part of your leg is parallel with the floor.
Exhale as you bring your right elbow in toward your left knee while squeezing your abs. Inhale as you slowly extend your leg back to the starting position.
4. The Exercise Ball Crunch
Exercise ball crunches are won-derful for your entire core. All of your abs are used in the stabilization process as you crunch.
Starting Position
Lie with your upper back on an exercise ball and your feet flat on the ground in front of you. Support your head by placing your hands behind it, and look toward the ceiling throughout the entire movement.
Exhale as you raise your upper body a few inches off of the ball by contracting your abs. Be sure to keep your back straight and avoid pulling yourself up with your hands. Hold yourself in this contracted position for a moment before slowly lowering yourself back down to the starting position.
5. Long-Lever Ball Crunch
This exercise is a variation of the ball crunch.
Starting position
Same as ball crunch, but instead of placing your hands behind your head, keep your arms even (parallel) with your ears and straight out.
Same as ball crunch - keep the arms straight and next to your ears as you crunch.