Industry News for Performance Health

Akron, Ohio 44310
- Thiebaud et al. Elastic Band Resistance Training Combined with Blood Flow Restriction in Postmenopausal Women
- Fernando et al. Lumbopelvic Muscular Activation During Push-ups Performed Under Different Unstable Surfaces
- Tella et al. Progression of Ankle Muscle Activation Performing Exercises with Different Types of Body Stability
- Martin et al. Progression of Core Muscle Activation During the Performance of Exercises with Different Types of Stability
- Brown et al. Effects of Pre-habilitation on Self-Efficacy for Exercise and Outcome Expectations for Exercise Among Patients Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty
- Sanders et al. Obesity and Mobility: Outcomes From a Multidisciplinary Team Weight Management Program
- Hawkins et al. Effect of Topical Menthol Gel on Power Output During 30-Second High Intensity Anaerobic Exercise
- Rogers et al. First Step to Active Health - Online Plus: Pilot Study
- Maddigan et al. A Comparison of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques: Partner Assisted vs. Thera-Band Stretch Strap Unassisted Modalities
- Matsutani et al. Low-Intensity Resistance Training Using an Elastic Band Improves Muscle Mass and Function in Older People
Akron, Ohio – May 29, 2012 – Members of the Performance Health Scientific Advisory Committee (TRAC) will be presenting Thera-Band® and Biofreeze® product research at the American College of Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting and 3rd World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® in San Francisco, CA, May 29 - June 2, 2012. Several other studies supported by the Thera-Band Academy are also being presented.
"The ACSM meeting has always been one of our top meetings for research because it draws the world's best in exercise science," stated Phil Page, PT, PhD, ATC, FACSM, Director of Thera- Band Academy. "The Thera-Band Academy is committed to supporting research that not only validates our products but also adds to the body of knowledge."
Over 6,000 participants, including internationally recognized sports medicine physicians, researchers and educators, are expected to attend the meeting and will address emerging issues in sports medicine and exercise science. The World Congress draws public health experts, government officials, scientists and advocates from six continents.
TRAC Research Presentations
Wednesday, May 30
Thursday, May 31
Friday, June 1
Saturday, June 2
About the American College of Sports Medicine
The American College of Sports Medicine is the largest sports medicine and exercise science
organization in the world. More than 45,000 international, national and regional members and
certified professionals are dedicated to advancing and integrating scientific research to provide
educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine.
About the Academy
The Thera-Band® Academy was formed to scientifically document the benefits of resistance exercise
and pain relief, guide the company in its development of new products and exercise programs, and to
promote therapeutic exercise and pain management through professional and consumer education.
The Academy web site is a unique resource that connects healthcare professionals and consumers to
the ever growing body of knowledge on exercise. Registration is free and provides access to the
largest database of rehab exercises, protocols, research and education in the world.
About TRAC
The 15 members of the 2012 Academy's Scientific Advisory Committee, known as TRAC, exemplify
diversity in both disciplines and cultures. Members come from six countries and represent research and
clinical expertise in physical therapy, chiropractic, medicine, occupational therapy, athletic training and
massage therapy.
About Performance Health
Featuring leading brands like Thera-Band®, Biofreeze® and the new Pedigenix™ Foot Care System,
Performance Health offers a broad portfolio of products for the therapy, rehabilitation, wellness,
massage, podiatric and performance markets. In addition to market-leading products, Performance
Health provides practice building support, evidence-based protocols, clinical and product education,
turn-key dispensing and pain management solutions.