Industry News for Future Health Inc.

Urbandale, Iowa 50322
- ADLs/Goals/Prognosis: Easiest way to demonstrate progress for patients on a treatment plan for Medicare, insurance companies and even patients themselves. Tracks first visit through release.
- Recent Patients: Efficiently look up any of your 10 most-recent patients with one click of your mouse!
- Advanced Today's Patients: Day-at-a-glance ... for providers and staff! Lists everything scheduled for day ... similar to a clinic sheet, but electronic and interactive.
- Introductory Sentence: Provides you with a logical, stream-of-thought way to begin the subjective portion of your SOAP note, rather than always starting your note by selecting a problem code from a list.
- Exam Screen--Ortho, Neuro, Physical: Quickly document exam data in your SOAP notes within one convenient screen preloaded with many Orthopedic, Neurological and Physical exam types.
- Graphical Signature: Makes it possible to "stamp" your written signature on each SOAP note.
Des Moines, IA: Future Health, Inc.--the nation's leading provider of EHR/practice management software for chiropractors--today announced its latest affordable Apps.
The new Apps are developed to integrate seamlessly with eConnect's free base software and range in price from free to $325, averaging $170.
New Apps available now
Apps enhance DCs' ability to customize software to their practice
"The Apps are what make it possible for doctors to truly customize their software," said Future Health President Kenneth Dickerson. "They can choose only the functionality they want ... and nothing they don't need or won't use ... so the software remains simple, streamlined and uncluttered."
About Future Health eConnect
Future Health eConnect's base software is free and includes all the basics for EHR/practice management, including integrated scheduling, documentation, EHR (electronic health records), billing and patient education.
Doctors of chiropractic can then choose to customize their free Future Health eConnect software by adding affordable eConnect Apps for efficiency, specialties, techniques and a guaranteed EHR/ARRA Certification App to help DCs qualify for up to $44,000.
eConnect uses secure Amazon servers for safe, affordable data storage and security (also known as "Cloud technology"), eliminating the expense of an in-office server and an IT person to maintain it.
For more information about Future Health eConnect, the latest eConnect Apps or the EHR Medicare incentive, visit On the site, you can request more information, sign up for webinars, join a scheduled demo and request to download free eConnect software.
Or for faster service, call Toll Free 1-888-434-7347.
Future Health, Inc. is the nation's number one provider of EHR and chiropractic practice management software. Founded in 2004 by Steven J. Kraus, DC, DIBCN, CCSP, FASA, FICC, the company now serves doctors in all 50 state, Canada, and abroad, providing a totally integrated software solution for doctors of chiropractic, including: scheduling; documentation; EHR (electronic health records); billing; and patient education.
To sign up for a no-obligation demo or reserve your copy of Future Health eConnect, visit or call Toll Free 1-888-434-7347. Installation and training are on a first come, first served basis.