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Helping Your Patients Rest Assured With a New Pillow
November, 2010
In our current environment, where life seems to rush along at an increasingly fast pace, the value of proper sleep habits seems to diminish at the same speed. We start our day with too much caffeine and end it with too little sleep.

From Understanding to Influence: Getting Inside a Patient's Head
October, 2010
We often imagine that our jobs would be easier and our practices more successful if only we knew what our patients were thinking. What's the real reason underlying their resistance to committing to a full course of care?

It IS Easy Being Green
October, 2010
Let's be honest. The odds are pretty good that only a very small number of your patients (if any at all) are actually getting in their full required number of servings of fruits and vegetables.

Introducing Acupuncture Into a Chiropractic Practice
October, 2010
Incorporating acupuncture into a pre-existing chiropractic practice is both easy and profitable. This is especially true today as the field of acupuncture is rapidly gaining acceptance as an adjunct to many Western medical protocols.

Don't Take That Patient! Top 10 Reasons to Say No
October, 2010
Doctors work harder than ever. Marketing and recruiting are mainstays for a successful practice. We all know when you seek new patients, anyone can come through your doors. Chiropractors are today's primary health care doctor.

Chiropractic Table Must-Haves
October, 2010
In this issue, we asked: "Given your practice style, what features on your chiropractic table do you find most useful when treating your patients? How have you used these features in unique ways that other DCs should know about?

Chiropractic Practice Software: Is It All You Need It to Be?
October, 2010
It's hard to find a chiropractic practice that isn't using some form of practice software. However, what that software does and doesn't do can be both freeing and frustrating for the doctor and their staff.

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