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Re-Activating Patients: How Your Peers Do It
September, 2011
In this issue, we asked: "What is your most effective method of reaching out and re-activating patients who have gone "dormant" and are no longer coming in for treatment?" Here's what your peers had to say about their experiences.

How to Survive in Court
September, 2011
Not again! Your CA just handed you another subpoena to appear in court to give live testimony regarding a personal injury case you treated two, maybe three years ago.

Integrating Acupuncture Into a Chiropractic Practice
September, 2011
In these times of diminishing insurance payments and fewer patient visits, acupuncture can be both a lucrative adjunct to a practice, and a beneficial therapy for the patients.

How Fruit and Vegetable Shakes Can Increase Practice Revenue
September, 2011
Offering a fruit and vegetable shake in a chiropractic practice using a proven operating system, will allow you, without changing your technique or changing the time you spend with patients, to deliver higher quality care, get better results and add significant revenue to your bottom line.

Patient Profiling: The Key to Marketing to the Right People
August, 2011
Profiling is not considered politically correct by police, airport security or employers, but it is one of the most important tools you can use to improve the performance of your marketing.

What's In That Supplement? Common Excipients and Additives
August, 2011
If you are recommending that your patient take supplements to create a healthier body and mind, you need to know the facts about the supplement manufacturing process and labeling codes.

Are You Investing Your Time Wisely?
August, 2011
The most important commodity you have has nothing to do with money and everything to do with how you use your most valuable asset: time. Time management is one of the most overlooked components of success.

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