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Building the Championship TEAM
March, 2011
Growing a practice involves a number of skills, discipline, protocols, strategies, tactics and systems. But it all begins with having the right people in place to advance your practice success.

A Drug Free Approach to Pain Relief: What Your Peers Recommend
March, 2011
To help you enhance your practice and increase your bottom line, Dynamic Chiropractic PracticeINSIGHTS asks practicing doctors of chiropractic, like you, for ideas and solutions that have been tested in real-world environments.

Drug-Free Treatments
March, 2011
To help you enhance your practice and increase your bottom line, Dynamic Chiropractic PracticeINSIGHTS asks practicing doctors of chiropractic, like you, for ideas and solutions that have been tested in real-world environments.

Put Focus on Your Patients and Lead Your Practice Forward
March, 2011
When doctors help high numbers of patients consistently for years with excellent results, other doctors want to know their secret. What is the one factor high-achieving doctors have in common?

Spend Your Time Wisely
March, 2011
There is a saying: If you want something done, give it to a busy person. Why is it that within a day's time, someone you know seems to be able to accomplish so much more than you? After all, we are working with the same number of hours.

Increase Revenue With Service
March, 2011
Dynamic Chiropractic PracticeINSIGHTS asks practicing doctors of chiropractic, like you, for ideas and solutions that have been tested in real-world environments. In this issue, we asked: What is the best thing you've done to increase your practice revenue?

Cervical Pillows for Every Patient?
March, 2011
Most people lay their head upon a pillow each night. Given its ubiquity and potential cervical support, should a pillow be recommended by a doctor of chiropractic? Dr. William Lichter of Florida believes so: "People spend one-third of their life on their pillow - so why wouldn't you want to have a good one?

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