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Small Mistakes, Huge Disasters
October, 2011
Profound words of wisdom indeed. You will also find that learning from other people's mistakes saves a lot of time in the discov-ery process. Making mistakes is how we gain experience. Typically, the most successful people have made the most mistakes.

Helping Patients Lose Weight: How Your Peers Do It
October, 2011
To help you enhance your practice and increase your bottom line, we ask practicing doctors of chiropractic like you for ideas and solutions that have been tested in the real world.

Improve Whole-Body Health and Your Practice's Bottom Line With Orthotics
October, 2011
In looking at the application of additional products or services to your practice, it is important to consider both the positive effects on the health of your patients and the financial feasibility of implementing the additional service.

A Personal Journey Into the World of Percussion Tools
October, 2011
Intuition. In philosophy and logic in particular, this is not superstition. It refers to the things that we know without having to reason them out. Some things cannot be proven or justified. They simply are.

You Can Make Excuses or You Can Make Money
October, 2011
If you are running your practice the same way you did five years ago, then you are already traveling on the unfortunate path to going out of business.

Must-Have Technology for Your Practice
September, 2011
Technology affects almost every aspect of our lives. Just look around you and you'll see how wired we have become. But as much as our personal lives have changed, the business world has revolutionized almost beyond recognition in the past few decades.

Stabilize Your Practice With Structural Supports
September, 2011
When Marianne came in as a new patient with back pain I examined and adjusted her. She immediately felt better and I gave her instructions to get another couple of adjustments in the next few days to get her out of the acute stage.

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