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Selecting the Best Location for Your Chiropractic Office
July, 2014
Whether you are a new graduate just looking for your first office location or a seasoned chiropractor ready to expand your office or add another location, there are many things to consider when you are determining the best location for your office.

A Practical Approach to Individual Disability Insurance
July, 2014
There is an old saying: there are only two things in life that are certain, paying taxes and dying. However, the first can be minimized and the second possibly delayed.

Targeting a Specific Practice Population: Supporting Our Elders
June, 2014
What is it like to grow old? It is different for everyone and it is no surprise that how you lived the first 50 years will dramatically influence your golden years.

Get More Patients: Marketing and the Art of the @ Symbol
June, 2014
We discussed hastags in last month's DC Practice Insights and now it's time to talk about the @ symbol. First, let's do a little review.

The Success Formula: Simple Tools to Track Your Expenses
June, 2014
Beginning and operating a chiropractic practice may be seem difficult as there are so many items requiring attention, i.e., marketing your practice, office and staff management and working on becoming profitable, among others.

Preparing for Retirement: Don't Wait for the Unexpected to Happen
June, 2014
While attending to office items, the telephone rang and it was the office manager for a chiropractic practice informing me of the principle who was immediately taken ill and rushed to the hospital.

Empowering Patients with Emotional Freedom Techniques
June, 2014
Chiropractors, while holding to the core practice of employing a drug-free approach to health and removing nerve interference by adjusting the spine, have also continued to look forward, towards innovative methods that can complement our skills to create even better patient outcomes.

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