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Health Trending: Corporate Wellness for the Sports Rehab DC
March, 2015
I see definite trends in the work landscape for chiropractors, in part due to federal changes, worker's compensation cost issues, and John Q. Public's attitude.

Treating Severe Chronic Pain: FIR Therapy Can't Hurt
March, 2015
Far infrared (FIR) energy has been studied and utilized in Asia for centuries. In North America, we are just beginning to understand FIR's positive attributes in fighting pain, inflammation and other medical conditions.

Face Off: Topicals
February, 2015
Face Off offers you the opportunity to learn more about products / services you may be considering for your practice side-by-side so you can make an informed purchasing decision. This month's product category is topicals.

Skipping Out on Your PQRS Reporting Obligations?
February, 2015
The Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) now enforces hundreds of different quality measures for Medicare providers.

Top 10 Practice Trends for 2015
February, 2015
We have all experienced a multitude of changes to the chiropractic industry, particularly in recent years. Such controversial topics include but are not limited to integrated practices, insurance premiums and of course, the Affordable Care Act.

Why Don't More Patients See DCs? What Your Peers Think
February, 2015
To help you enhance your practice and increase your bottom line, we ask practicing doctors of chiropractic like you for ideas and solutions that have been tested in real-world environments.

Concerned About Medicare Billing? Let Pain and Subluxation Set You Free
February, 2015
The title of this article may seem odd at first, second and even further glances. It will make more sense if you can separate yourself from whatever emotion you may have regarding the topics of pain and subluxation.

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