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February, 2013

A Four Step Blueprint to Lead Generation That Works

By Leo Goykhman

Do you know the difference between chiropractors who are booked solid a month in advance versus chiropractors who are barely getting by after payroll, rent and expenses? The answer has nothing to do with the amount of specialized training, technology or the location they are working with. The real answer is that the doctors who are absolutely crushing it know something the rest don't.

The doctors who have patients lined up for weeks ahead of time understand that they are in the business of marketing their chiropractic practice. Not only that, they understand the power and importance of building and using multiple lead generation machines.

That's right: Your business isn't being a chiropractor, but rather marketing your practice and doing so by positioning yourself as the ultimate expert and authority figure in your city and community.

Quality leads that ultimately become patients are every chiropractor's dream. But what if you could architect a system that continuously delivers high-quality, ready-to-take-action prospects into your practice?

What if there were a way to build a "machine" that funnels individuals who are already presold on you, and are ready, able and willing to be seen and treated by you?

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in having, I have some really good news for you. You can have this "machine" and the truth is, the top 5 percent of the doctors out there who are absolutely crushing it build lead generation systems that completely eliminate the need for "manual marketing."

Manual Marketing

But before we get into the how-to of building these systems, let's talk about and define what manual marketing means. For some chiropractors, getting new patients means spending their entire Saturday doing spinal screenings and talking to people, hoping they can persuade them to schedule a time to see them. For others doctors, it means knocking on doors and cold calling by walking through the neighborhood and leaving business cards and brochures at the counters of local businesses.

The truth is, you can only get so far using these methods. That's not to say those strategies won't work or won't get patients into your practice; they can, but if you are looking to build a highly profitable practice that's packed with the highest quality patients who pay based on value and refer others, you're going to have to learn the secrets that the top doctors know.

Step 1. Be a Hero to Someone Specific

The first step to building your lead generation system is to figure out who will gain the greatest amount of value from working with you. Once you know who will be a perfect fit for what you are offering, you need to craft your message so it feels like you are talking directly to them.

I'm not saying that when someone comes to you for help, you shouldn't help them; I'm saying you need to focus your efforts on positioning yourself as expert in a specific niche. What this will do for you is completely distinguish you from every other doctor and make yourself the logical choice for patients in that niche.

They say a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. Let me ask you something: If you were trying to get a meeting with some well- respected individual, do you think you could just walk into their office and see them? Of course not! Therefore, you must focus on what I call "power positioning" and distinguish yourself from every other doctor in your city.

Being a specialist for a specific group of individuals will allow you to build a highly profitable practice, as well as open other doors of opportunity for you.

Step 2. Have Fresh Bait

The second step in this process involves picking a lead generation magnet that you can use in order to get prospective patients to raise their hand and identify themselves to you. This magnet or "bait" is usually informational in nature, such as a free video, a report or white paper. If you really want to play at higher level, offer a free DVD or CD, or even a report (physical version) that would then require the prospect to give you their full information so you can follow up with them.

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