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December, 2012

Communicate to Patients with the Power of the Five Senses

By Richard A. Ochsmann, DC

Communication is just one more area that we chiropractors must excel in. As the doctors of health and nature, communicating what we have to offer is of the upmost importance. Ask anyone, "What exactly does a chiropractor do?" You will get as many responses as people you asked, from both the patient and not-yet-patient alike. Health care is in its infancy (as opposed to the well-established disease management system currently in place) and the public at large is looking for better and more natural ways to take care of themselves and their families. Clearly, communicating what we have to offer as a profession is critical. We must empower people through education. Patients are tired of the old "do as I say" approach of doctoring so commonly used today in the medical arena. But, how can they choose us if they really don't know what we can do for them? The answer is simple, the answer is video.

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The vast majority of those seeking to take charge of their health want to do just that, make their decisions as how to best care for themselves and their family. With today's smart phones and computers, health information, though abundant, is often skewed. The public knows this and is searching for truth. Communication is the best way to connect with potential patients. It seems simple on the surface, but any of you who have ever done any advertising can attest to the fact that a message has to be both communicated and received if it is to be effective and acted upon. So, how do we do that? How do we effectively get our message across? Let's start by looking at what communication is and by what vectors it can be delivered.

The five senses are just that, sensing pathways that send messages directly to the brain for interpretation. Pretty simple, but don't underestimate any of them. The power of each sense is just that, powerful. Senses have the ability to connect information files in the brain, to turn on or off potential patients from receiving your message of health.


Smell is one of the most overlooked and under utilized senses. However, smell is a very powerful tool. For example, when selling your home, a wise realtor will advise you to boil some cinnamon on the stove prior to an open house, or bake some chocolate chip cookies. These scents often evoke emotions of happiness, love and warmth – qualities you would want in a home. This one is easy for a chiropractic office. We use HEPA air filtration at our office to ensure that the air is always clean and fresh. Personally, I steer clear of essential oils and air fresheners as some patients may have a sensitivity. Just good quality, clean pure air will make a huge impact on people perception of your office.


Here again is a powerful sense that is often overlooked and easily integrated. All that is really required is to offer tea service in your office. Having tea service is a nice "value added" perk for patients. People love to come into an office and hang out, enjoy something warm and soothing and chat with other patients. Often times, having tea opens the door to other health discussions. For example, a mother complaining of sleepless nights may benefit from a cup of chamomile tea before bed – so send her home with one. Believe me, your personal touch in that moment before bed will build your referrals astronomically.

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