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It can also help to create a content schedule for the next two or three months so that you always have relevant and useful content on hand to post to your Page. One of the best ways to create a steady flow of content is through blogging. A blog gives you the freedom to express the humanistic side of your practice while demonstrating your expertise in chiropractic. Write brief, informational articles that will capture the attention of your patients. Your blog can be integrated with your website and social media sites so that every post to your blog is automatically published to your Facebook Page. For chiropractors that simply don't have enough time in the day to craft a quality blog post, find an online marketing provider for healthcare practices who can create and manage the distribution of your blog materials for you.

Connect with Your Fans

To be effective, you should regularly create and share interesting content on your Facebook Page. The goal of your posts should be to inform and spark a conversation with and amongst your Fans. The more interaction you have with your Fans, the greater exposure you will create for your practice.

facebook - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Fans often visit your Page looking for something in return. It could be a discount on a service, exclusive information or educational resources. There are a number of ways to engage your visitors on Facebook. You can host promotional campaigns and contests on your Page and even offer incentives for engaging. Building your Facebook community will allow you to have repeated interaction with those people who like what you have to offer. With time, you will find that you can develop a loyal community on Facebook while exposing your practice exponentially to the friends of your Fans.

Make each post to Facebook count. Offering a special promotion on massage therapy? Share it on your Facebook Page. Introducing a new procedure? Post about it. Celebrating your 30th year in practice? Let your Fans know. The more engaging and interactive your content, the more likely your Fans will be to respond.

Go Mobile

Still don't have a mobile website? You'll need to get one if you want to reach your on-the-move patients who use smartphones and tablets to access the Web. In fact, a recent study by GoMo, the Google initiative designed to teach people how to make their website more mobile-friendly, predicts that by 2013 more people will use mobile devices than PCs to access the Internet.

But your patients aren't just browsing the Internet from their mobile devices; they are getting on Facebook, and comScore estimates that more than 38 million Americans are accessing social networking sites via their smartphones every day. Social media via mobile makes sharing easier and allows for instantaneous connections with existing and future patients.

Online and offline, your patients will always seek the recommendations of friends and family before making important decisions concerning their health. Social media augments word of mouth, giving your practice the ability to make an invaluable impression on an increasing number of future patients who are connected to your existing patients via social media. Using a few simple techniques, you can easily ramp up the effectiveness of your social campaign and start reaping the benefits of Facebook. Start by launching your Facebook Page, or find an expert with experience in creating, managing and maintaining social media for chiropractors.

Glenn Lombardi is the president of Officite LLC, a leading provider of customized Web sites and turnkey Internet marketing solutions for the health care community. A recognized thought leader in all areas of health care marketing, Glenn has spoken at more than 100 national and state health care conferences. With a decade of experience in the industry, he has authored numerous articles and is a frequent contributor on Internet marketing trends in health care publications. Dynamic Chiropractic has partnered with Officite to bring you DC Sitebuilder – professional Web site development and online marketing for DCs. For additional information, please visit or call (877) 887-4057.

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