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For a high volume practice you can incorporate an unattended therapy with other modalities. Attended therapies in a high volume practice can be done by staff at specific times in your patient flow. Once the doctor prescribes the laser protocol any staff member who is trained can administer therapy from documented notes. Practice flow and management systems must be considered when choosing your laser.

What is your budget for purchasing a laser?

The investment for your laser purchase can range from $2,000 to $30,000 depending on which class of laser you choose and how many additional upgrades you select. Why such a big difference in price? Laser diodes. Laser diodes are electrically pumped semiconductor in which electrons and can recombine, releasing the energy portions as laser photons. This amplification process produces heat in the diode. High power capacity diodes are more costly and require larger cooling fans. Low level class 3 laser diodes are less expensive to produce because they do not need as much heat tolerance. Class 4 laser high power lasers release more photonic energy, thus require higher capability diodes.

Most lasers are leased equipment in practice for eventual purchase. Look at your laser as an investment for long term profitability. Laser therapy is not covered by medical insurance and is therefore considered a cash modality. Treatments may range anywhere from $35-$150 depending on where you are located demographically and the patient base you are treating. How much you charge also depends on which type of laser you choose. For example, if you purchase a laser for $10,000 and charge $100 per session and you do 20 treatments per week, you will have the laser paid off in 5-weeks.

Determine how many clinics have the laser you want in a 50-square mile radius to your office. Ask the manufacturer for this number. This can help you decide about marketing your practice via a 'unique value' perspective. For example, if ten doctors have the same laser or class of laser within the 50 mile radius of your office, you are low on the uniqueness factor for practice differentiation. However, if there are few offices with the model or class of laser you want, your services are high in uniqueness value. Why does this matter? People pay more for unique value in the marketplace. What do you offer that others don't? If you have what everyone else does then it becomes a price war and you never win services on price. So it's not just a matter of getting a laser, it is critical to get the best one suited for your practice and demographic area.

You may decide to purchase several lasers for your office. Many doctors start with a lower cost unit and trade up to a higher end model with more capabilities. Laser technology will continue to expand in the next decade and patients will be seeking this form of therapy for help. Laser phototherapy, administered by someone trained in the art and science, is beneficial in almost all forms and has no adverse side effects. The difference between available laser units is in the wavelength, power density, manufacturer support and aesthetics. From these parameters, you can purchase the best laser for your patients.

Even if you are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there. Technological advances have been making healthcare technology better and better every year. Adding laser technology to your office will take you to the next level of practice success and beyond. Your practice deserves it. Your patients deserve it too!


  1. Blahnik, Jennifer A., and David W. Rindge. Laser Therapy: A Clinical Manual. Melbourne, FL: Healing Light Seminars, 2003. Print.
  2. "North American Land Trust NALT." North American Land Trust NALT. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2012.
  3. Tuner, Jan. Laser Therapy: Clinical Practice and Scientific Background ; a Guide for Research Scientists, Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians and Other Interested Parties within the Medical Field. Grängesberg: Prima, 2002. Print.
  4. "WALT - World Association for Laser Therapy - Home." WALT - World Association for Laser Therapy - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2012.

Click here for more information about Perry Nickelston, DC, FMS, SFMA.

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