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Expanded Use of EHR

While many chiropractors have adopted an EHR system for their practice, most are not making use of their systems in a comprehensive way. Digitally savvy chiropractors are expanding use of their EHR systems to access patient charts remotely and also to use functions that make their practice more efficient. If, like most practitioners, you find the most useful parts of your EHR to be the low-tech functions like creating legible notes, you have a way to go. That's not to say that the more basic tasks aren't important. It's that they're not helpful enough to label the technology exceptional. Many practices are successfully moving beyond the basics. Newer EHR features include online scheduling, instant messaging between team members and electronic encounter forms that can generate a searchable summary page for each patient after their visit.

Computed Radiography Systems

Computed radiography (CR) systems replace traditional film cassettes with digital cassettes. Once an image is taken, a cassette is inserted into the CR system to transfer the image to a computer monitor for archiving. Digital images can be imported into your EHR and shared via the Internet with a radiologist or other co-managing physician for consultation. Conversion to a CR system eliminates the need for film, a developer and chemicals. It also frees up valuable space by doing away with the space requirements necessary to store films in your practice. You must already have radiology equipment to convert to CR. However, there are no construction costs associated with converting your existing radiology room to CR, because the systems were designed to work with pre-existing equipment. Practices that take ten or more x-rays a day could find that they will come out ahead by converting to CR.

Smartphones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)

As fully "wired" chiropractors have discovered, there is an "app" (software solution) for practically everything — such as providing fingertip access to a patient's health care information, radiologic imaging studies, and laboratory test results. A smartphone can be used to look up drug interaction and side effects information, to review research references and to e-mail colleagues. Some EHR systems allow remote access to practice management tools, patient lists and other information through encrypted portals. With a smartphone, you can view a summary sheet of the past day's activities on your phone and preview the patient schedule for the upcoming day. Voice-activated dictation features can be used to make a chart entry if a patient calls to consult you after hours and you want to document a note of the encounter in your EHR. When you return to your practice the following day and boot up your computer, the event will appear as a chart entry. As a crucial preventative measure in light of HITECH HIPAA protocols, you may want to limit smartphone use to read-only access to patient information while prohibiting the storage of this information.

Some Older Technologies Are Still Viable

Exceptional practices are also figuring out ways to use older technology, such as the telephone, in fresh ways. One strategy is to use an automated telephone calling system to reach out to patients and remind them of their previously scheduled visits, recall them after missed visits, or to make them aware of special practice events. IT experts agree that technology is never the entire answer. Results depend on how it is used, and there are always limits. While an automated phone system can lighten the outgoing workload of your practice personnel, patients appreciate talking to a person when it comes to their health care. Top practices use technology wisely and foster the personal touch and deliver an exceptional patient experience by having a human being answer all in-coming phone lines.

Surprise and Delight Patients with Technology

The term "technology" can trigger enthusiasm, anxiety or skepticism — possibly all three. Don't let the unknown stop you from taking advantage of the benefits your practice can reap. The practice building lesson here is that you can use technology to deliver a positive patient experience by unexpectedly exceeding expectations. "Business as usual" is unremarkable and nobody thinks twice about the "ordinary." When properly deployed, you can use technology to help create a truly memorable experience for your patients. What are you waiting for? The hottest technology beckons!

Dr. Mark Sanna, a 1987 graduate of New York Chiropractic College, is a member of the ACA Governor's Advisory Board and a member of the President's Circle of NYCC and Parker College of Chiropractic. He is the president and CEO of Breakthrough Coaching (

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