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Chemically laden foods grown in depleted soils, miracle diets and scientific breakthroughs are what ails us today. Returning to nature is the only way to break this viscous cycle. Nature has the answers, it always has.

So how do we apply this natural philosophy in our practice, how do we lead our patients to a better, more natural lifestyle? Just like you, your patients want information. The best way to educate and teach them is to appeal to their common sense.

Educate your patients, educate yourself.

New patient orientations, looped video in your waiting room, newsletters or e-mails, you must be their trusted source of information and truth. Don't fall prey to the endless barrage of new miracle breakthroughs, we have yet to appreciate nature and her endless bounty. It's time to stand up! It's time to go to your window, open it up and yell, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" We all know what the problem is, tell them the truth and they will listen. Stand tall, nature has your back.

Implementation begins with you, your core beliefs and your philosophy; this is the foundation on which you'll stand tall, unwavering and confident. Align yourself with companies who subscribe to your beliefs, who can provide you detailed information brought about by years of patient management and step-by-step guidance from doctors in the field. These sources will be more than happy to share their experience with you, for their mission is congruent with yours; your success is their success.

Successful Implementation: DIY

So what should you do to successfully implement weight loss into your office?

First, choose a company who specializes in natural detoxification and weight loss that is in alignment with your philosophy. Request their program information and any implementation tools. Your success is greatly dependent on understanding the specifics of the program you choose.

Second, have your staff and the doctors at your office complete a detoxification and weight loss program just as if they were a patient. Have them watch any slide shows, attend a patient orientation talk, fill out any specific intake forms and have them weigh and measure each other.

Having your staff actually do this together will not only raise the level of health in your office, but is a great team building exercise. Everyone jumps at the chance be less toxic and lose weight so getting your staff on board is easy. In fact, giving this type of health perk to your employees makes you the hero, especially at the beginning of swimsuit season.

You will find that managing your patients during their weight loss and detoxification programs is far easier due to the fact that in many cases your staff can answer patient questions. They will have been intimately involved with the dietary program, supplement schedules and helpful forms that have been specifically designed to keep patients on track and focused. Provide a patient management schedule along with FAQ sheets and talking points. I can't stress enough how important these patient management forms are. Having these forms keeps everything flowing smoothly in your practice.

When you and your staff have first-hand knowledge of the programs you are suggesting, it is easy to get the weight loss and detoxification ball rolling in your office. In fact, many times an excited staff member is the catalyst for many new weight loss patients. Weight loss programs should have detoxification as their basis. Then everyone, even those not needing to lose weight, will benefit.

Third, keep it simple! Follow the program you choose exactly. Choose a program that is easy to follow and that makes sense. More patients can, and will stick with a program if it is workable long term. And if it is too good to be true, well it usually is. Your weight loss patients know this, and they are tired of "miracle cures" and "magic potions" that promise the world and don't deliver in the long run. They are hungry for something that really works. That is why they are coming to you.

Choose a company with excellent customer support and chiropractors on staff for you to speak to. Implement a solid weight loss program into your office and help just one person lose a significant amount of weight quickly and easily and you will not be able to hold back the flood of new patients.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, make certain to charge an appropriate amount of money for any program you offer. If there is little or no value, then there is little or no incentive for follow through. By this I mean make sure to charge for your time as well as products. See your weight loss patients several times each week. Remember doctor, your time is a valuable resource.

The health gurus are endless, their fixes abundant, but who really stands on natures foundation. For over a century we have led the way to nature and our task is even more important today. As chiropractors we have the most important gift to give and in a perfect world that would be enough. It's not a perfect world. We have to rise up. If we don't, who will?

Dr. Richard A. Ochsmann, DC, is the President and CEO of Origin & Source and clinic director of Rhino Chiropractic. To purchase Dr. Rick's new patient video "Health Time", his nutritional book and dietary guide, "Real Food – The Common Sense Diet," or the Origin & Source turn-key program, "Implementing Weight Loss, Detoxification and Whole Food Nutrition In Your Office" please visit For more information about Origin & Source and their line of vegan whole food supplements or to book Dr. Rick to speak at your next event please visit:, e-mail or call (800)774-7419 ext 701.

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