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Real Bottom-Line Benefits

Adding the extra kick of mobile power to your business puts you out there where potential clients are looking for chiropractic services, giving you business that you don't have to chase down. You know how that difference feels psychologically. When a someone walks through the door looking for you as their doctor of choice, it's a dramatically different feeling than when you've fought to get someone to even give chiropractic a chance. However, in addition to the psychological difference, you can also see the difference in your bottom line. Some 74% of searchers now expect to find local results in their search results. If you're not there, they don't see your business. Worse, if they know you're there physically but don't see you online, they think you're not sophisticated or savvy enough to be a player in their lives. You know that doesn't have any relation to the quality of care you provide, but perception is half the battle.

By winning at the perception game – getting yourself out there, being at the top of Google, Bing, and Yahoo – you win over patients before they even get in the door. The billable hours you regularly waste trying to convert prospects to clients can be spent servicing new clients who showed up ready to sign up for care. The potential exists for you to convert the basic structure of your week to more billable and profitable hours, stripping out marginally profitable and mentally draining hunt-and-chase marketing methods.

Imagine a world where new patients regularly come to you. How much would it move your bottom line to spend 10 percent more of your time with patients instead of chasing prospective? How about a 20 or even 50 percent change? That's the power of mobile – putting your business front and center whenever anyone in your area is looking for chiropractic care. Suddenly, you're the answer to their needs and they come looking for you week in and week out.

Extra Perks

Another layer of mobile marketing that will add to your business and your prestige over time is the way that mobile connects back with social review systems. Testimonials, feedback, and reviews of your business will pop up right along with your address and contact information when you've got your mobile marketing done right. Every one of these data points builds a case for seeing you as the chiropractor of choice, and you don't have to spend extra money to get them.

It's a form of word-of-mouth marketing that is exploding online. When Google first rolled out its "Places" and "Local" applications, analysts wondered if the public would really use the review features. Have they ever! People have shown no shyness in sharing their experiences, and studies have shown that prospects give these kinds of reviews increasing weight as they try to make their decisions about which businesses to patronize.

That unsolicited advertising for your business is there for you day and night. Its not like radio spots or newspaper advertising that really only works during regular business hours. When your prospective clients are laying awake at night with back or neck pain, they're much more likely to be on their phones. Your well-developed mobile profile, backed by online social media commentary, is there for them when they need it. Midnight recognition isn't the only perk. Your prestige also increases with the development of a good mobile marketing presence. You look more like a "real doctor" in the eyes of the doubting public. Each mention, each profile, and each campaign cements your status as a true professional in the eyes of your potential patients, no matter what nonsense the local medical community is spouting about chiropractic at the moment. You get to use your mobile marketing to rise above all that and get patients coming to you who already believe you have the legitimate tools to help them get better.

Expert help is available

Of course, there would be no point to all this imagining and promotion of a better business model if the tools weren't out there to help you get it done. Let's face it – you trained to be a doctor, not an online expert! The systems already exist to put mobile marketing to work for you. All you need to do is reach out and sign yourself up to see your business marketing model be transformed by people who really know what they're doing when it comes to growing new patient lists for chiropractors. Once you've signed up, your main daily task will be caring for the new clients you're going to have and enjoying the benefits of an enhanced reputation in your community.

You've spent enough time trying to grow your business on your own. What it takes to drive new patient acquisition for chiropractors in the modern age fits in the palm of your hand. With a good partner, you can leverage the power of mobile marketing to drive more of the 51 million smart phone owners to your door, into your practice, and onto the adjusting table regularly. These patients will seek you out ready and willing to pay for your expertise. You'll be able to grow your business, spend less time chasing clients, and get more time doing what you do best – helping patients and providing outstanding chiropractic care.

Dr. Chandler George has been a chiropractor, national speaker and author for more than 20 years. His latest book is called "Internet & Social Media Marketing for Doctors." Dr. George is a consultant in the health and beauty industry. Dr. George has used Internet Marketing to build and sell businesses, and now teaches others how to leverage technology for their business to increase ROI. He helps businesses stay on the cutting edge using Internet/Smart Phone Marketing.

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