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Go fishing in a larger pond, get these new patients into your office and then deliver natures answers. The public at large is sick and tired of being promised that this time, this drug, this surgery, or this diet will do the trick. They are ripe and ready for what you have to offer – nature's answer. After all, that is what you do, right?

Step 2 - Educate

The Latin root of the word doctor is teacher. You have them in your office, now teach them. Teach them about the physiology of fat (that is what they are there for). Explain that fat is there to help them – that it is a toxic transport and storage cell.

Tell them how it is inaccessible and hydrophobic/non-soluble in water. They are hungry for this information. Deliver on your ad promise, teach them how fat can wash away toxins (what do you think soap is made of?). Knowledge is power – deliver power to your new nutrition patients and they will follow all of your recommendations.

Then explain to them how when their body can not eliminate or wash away toxins, (toxins come from normal metabolic processes just as much as from the environment – i.e. – it is not their fault) these toxins had to be contained – in fact stored, most often around their waist.

Now is the time to deliver nature's answer. By simply explaining that fat will be created when their body can not fully eliminate all toxins on a daily basis, amazingly, they get it! Simple – Easy – Natural – Nutrition.

The goal is to support naturally, not force through diet, drugs or surgery, natures toxic eliminative systems. By simply working with the systems of the body results are amazingly quick and easy.

Start with the end in mind. The goal is to have your patients support their detoxification systems daily after the accumulated fat/toxins/weight have been corrected. Addressing and correcting excess fat just as you would address and correct the spine easily fits into any chiropractic office.

Step 3 - Correction=Detoxification

More can actually be better! Who would say no to more money, more happiness and more healthful habits? Give your patients a short term physiologically based detoxification program that allows more toxin and more fat removal from their body. How? Give them more of the same nutritive and digestive products that they are to use for maintenance and support. It would be incongruent for it to be any different and possibly forceful and unhealthy. The answer is always simple with nature.

Natures' super-foods always deliver broad spectrum nutrients; chlorella, spirulina, wheat – barley – oat grasses, wheat germ, and carrots (yes carrots) along with the proper digestive enzymes and vegetable-based probiotocs always supply what you and your patients are designed to ingest. That is natures' advantage. Implement a whole super-food detoxification program that supports the body naturally and watch the excess weight fall off. Beware – this weight loss through detoxification is contagious! Just imagine what one mom, one bodybuilder, one teacher or one factory worker can ignite. The new patient possibilities are endless.

Step 4 - Stop The Re-Tox

To deliver results, it is not enough to get the toxins out – it is not even enough to get the good stuff in – you must also stop the madness – the toxification - or neither of the first two will work.

What exactly does that mean? No sugar, no chemicals (msg, artificial anything, no refined anything, no abbreviated anything, no nitrates, no fortified anything (i.e. synthetic vitamins), no dairy (they are not baby cows), no hormones, no antibiotics (both often found in non-organic animal products), and no pesticides found in non-organic produce. But what if they complain? Well doctor – educate them! Toxins are why they are fat.

Once they have this information, implementation of whole food nutrition and detoxification is easy.

Step 5 – Stop The Caloric Overload

Excess calories are toxic. What would happen if you ate a 1,000,000 calorie pill? Chances are you would probably start on fire. The proper amount of nutrient dense foods along with high nutrient super-foods will stop the caloric assault. What is needed? Not too many calories and not too few.

Contrary to modern "science" for optimum weight loss you can not have too few calories. Too few calories stop the body from entering liposysis (fat burning) and actually initiates lipogenesis (fat creation).

What is needed is the proper amount of calories from clean foods along with nutrient dense whole super-food supplements that supply optimum nutrition without overloading the caloric scale. The results – a body properly fed with the proper amount of clean food and supplemented with quality whole food supplements will naturally enter lipolysis and eliminate excess fat. Your body does not want to lug around those excess pounds any more than you do.

Step 6 - Maintain

Whether patients come to you for nutritional weight loss and stay for chiropractic or the other way around, using a non-symptomatic functional approach to health, vitality, nutrition and weight loss will revolutionize your practice while staying congruent with your chiropractic practice and philosophy. New patients, referrals and fulfilling outcomes will position you and your practice to be a beacon in your community.

Dr. Richard A. Ochsmann, DC, is the President and CEO of Origin & Source and clinic director of Rhino Chiropractic. To purchase Dr. Rick's new patient video "Health Time", his nutritional book and dietary guide, "Real Food – The Common Sense Diet," or the Origin & Source turn-key program, "Implementing Weight Loss, Detoxification and Whole Food Nutrition In Your Office" please visit For more information about Origin & Source and their line of vegan whole food supplements or to book Dr. Rick to speak at your next event please visit:, e-mail or call (800)774-7419 ext 701.

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