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Think Expansion, Not Contraction

Always view your practice through an eye toward expansion. The moment you try to keep it the same, it will contract. Guaranteed.

From an application standpoint, this means that your actions should always be aimed at increasing the volume and income of the practice.

Once you hit that perfect size practice that meets all your needs, keep expanding it - this will prevent practice contraction.

Tips For Times When Things Are Dire

These next few ideas should not be used except in a very dire situation because of the potential for creating the image of a struggling practice. However, if it's the difference between surviving or closing your doors, these options may be better than the alternative.

A quick cash injection can be attained with the following actions. It is important to ensure that any action you take is compliant with state regulations.

Special Discounts: If you have patients who are on monthly payments, you can call each of them and offer a discount, such as 5 percent or 10 percent off, to pay their remaining balance this week, or by the end of the month, or whatever you determine is best.

This is not meant to be anything more than a quick conversation; the person is either interested in the offer or not. Most people appreciate having the opportunity to do so.

Special Offers: If you sell care programs or packages, you can offer a special package for a limited time to those who might not otherwise purchase one.

Most practices have people who decide not to follow recommendations (care programs/packages) after an exam and report of findings. Their reasons will vary, but for some, it might very well have been an issue of timing and/or finances.

You can call these people to first ask how they are doing, and then offer them a special program.

For instance, your typical operating basis might be not to take exclusively relief care type cases. Consider offering that option to those who did not accept your recommendations over the last two months.

Bundled Services: Another package you can offer is to bundle services together in a "buy so many, get one free" type of deal.

For example, if you offer massage in your clinic, you can offer a package of buy four and get one free.

You can also do the same thing with your existing maintenance patients. Offer an opportunity to buy so many visits and get one or more free. (Again, ensure you are compliant with state and federal laws.)

There are many more specific actions a practice owner can take to relieve the financial stress in a chiropractic office.

However, choosing which of these actions and how to apply them, often requires an in-depth look at the exact circumstances.

Perfection Is Not Required

You don't have to be perfect, but survival does require you to be "right" much more often than you are "wrong". And to flourish and prosper, well that requires that you are right much, much more often than you are wrong!

So do whatever you need to get the know-how required to expand your clinic to the next level - and put that know-how into action.

Some of the largest and most profitable chiropractic clinics are being built right now in 2011.

It's a great time to be a chiropractor and succeed in practice.

With the right tools and a positive outlook, you CAN grow the practice of your dreams!

So keep your head up and expand your practice - your patients are counting on you, the profession is counting on you and a generation of future chiropractors is counting on you.

Dr. Eric Huntington is the CEO of Advanced Medical Integration (AMI), a training and consulting group that assists chiropractic practice owners in transitioning their businesses to multispecialty health care centers; and the president of the Chiropractic Business Academy (CBA), a business management and coaching firm for chiropractic and multispecialty practices. Dr. Huntington was both the ICA representative for Maryland and a board member of the Maryland Chiropractic Association from 2002-2013. He also served on the executive committee of the ICA Best Practices and Practice Guidelines, published in 2008. To learn more about AMI, visit

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