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Donald Berry, Frederick, Maryland: I am a Corrective Exercise Specialist, a Functional Movement Specialist and a Kettle Bell Instructor. If you want patients pain free they have to learn how to move again.

Michael Van Antwerp, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma: Soft tissue edge tool. (Therapy Edge)
Trigger point release. (Post-isometric relaxation)
Cooling spray. (Biofreeze)
K-taping. (Kinesio Tex)
Anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxation supplements. (Orthomolecular Soft Tissue Support - one of the best ever).

Karen Erickson, New York: Homeopathic Remedies: Traumeel and Zeel for soft tissue and joint pain respectively.

Essential Oils applied topically: peppermint, wintergreen, clove, helichrsym

Supplements: containing ginger, turmeric, bioflavonoid, quercetin

Chinese Herbal Patches: that patients wear on painful area for 3 days.

George Simmons, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Frequency Specific Microcurrent Myofascial needling, Graston/FAKTR PaleoMedetranian diet advice as per Dr. Alex Vasquez, Fish oil, source of combined ALA/GLA, White willow bark, boswelia, devils claw

Dexter DiMarco, Lake Worth, Florida: OPC 3 From NutraMetrix natural reduces inflammation. I usually combine this with Calcium & D3. It takes a while to work, but over the long run much better than any NSAIDS OTC. It doesn't effect the G.I tract.

Paul, Eckley, Walled Lake, Michigan: I have found the homeopathic formula Traumeel taken both topically as a odorless cream and orally to be helpful for pain relief in addition to adjusting.

Doris Doheny, Athens, Pennsylvania: 1. Ice compress with recommendations on usage of a flexible ice pack. 2. Biofreeze 3. Stretching exercises 4. Herbal anti-inflammatories, like Turmeric, Boswelia Serrata, 5. Dietary recommendations to avoid foods that promote inflammation.

Russel Sher, Asheville, North Carolina: Boswelia complex from Mediherb is a herbal complex composed of Boswelia, Curcumin, Ginger, and Celery seed - designed to reduce inflammation and pain with the celery seed focused on improving joint health. Also, protease enzymes are effective

Frank Sessa, DC, Clearwater, Florida: Being a licensed Active Release Techniques provider has allowed me to effectively treat painful myofascial conditions. I've had great success treating acute and chronic injuries in athletes, specifically Mixed Martial Arts fighters. Utilizing ART in my practice has helped decrease recovery time and reduce pain in athletes, and anyone that is suffering from a painful overuse injury.

Craig Stellpflug, Scottsdale, Arizona: One word... GLUTEN! As a neurodevelopment specialist, I find that gluten interferes with leptin. Leptin is a hormone that does three main things in the human body. It tells the brain when the tummy is full. It signals fat cells to metabolize. And finally, leptin normalizes peripheral pain receptor sensation in the spine.

I have found that in the vast majority of my Fibromyalgia patients that gluten sensitivity (not necessarily Celiac) is the biggest exacerbator of pain. In order to nail this bad-boy down it takes one committed patient to become a gluten Nazi. If a product doesn't say "gluten free" it probably has gluten injected in it somewhere. I recently found that one piece of Chicklet's gum a day contains enough gluten to send one of my autism patients to the time out corner in day care.

Gluten is the most highly complex protein that the human digestive system comes in frequent contact with. It contains disulfide bonds like those found in rubber. So in conclusion, if you encounter the patient with elevated pain levels bordering psychosis, try a gluten free diet before referring them out to a pain specialist. After all... chiropractic care takes into consideration the whole patient and not just a part.

Cyrous Salimian, Tehran, Iran, Ontario: In my practice i visit almost 50-60 p.ts/day. My main solution for pain, is using Ice/ Hot pack, exercises and vitamins( D+ mg + Ca, vit E, B complex, VitC), reassuring patients about their problems that will resolve gradually to help their mind

Regards Cyrous Salimian, MD, DC

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