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August, 2010

Volunteerism's Rewards

By Peter H. Morgan, DC

You, as a chiropractor, are blessed with divine hands. Your town, community and the world at large need your loving service. When you think of volunteering, your ultimate goal should be to benefit others. However, in the process of helping others, you can receive enormous practical benefits, including substantial enhancement of your practice, because your patients and your community will perceive you in a different way.

Changing Your Mindset

Becoming a "servant" requires making a shift in your thought process. When you serve with love in your heart, you align yourself with a lofty and grand expression that creates something magnificent. Service enables one to pass on love from person to person, unifying people and inspiring their lives. The great artists, architects and poets were blessed with this divine virtue of passing on love.

Patients love to go to a caring chiropractor. They know that when they go to a doctor who gives out of their own abundance and serves for the sake of serving, they too will be cared for in a special manner. They know that they have a special chiropractor when they find out that you serve in Third-World countries, your city's soup kitchens, drug rehab centers or at the local church/synagogue/mosque. As a result, patients will refer their friends and relatives to you when they discover that you are a servant.

However, more than attracting more business and referrals, you gain intangible benefits. When you serve for the sake of serving, you will begin to see the true purpose and mission of your life. As you become more aware of that mission and grow, your communication will also change. You will find yourself sharing more and attracting loving relationships. Not only that, but you will connect with people in a meaningful and loving way. Your patients will also respond and open themselves up, resulting in a deeper connection between you and them.

You might be wondering, "What are the requirements to serve?" They are simple; build a servant mentality with a mission and purpose to serve, and then do so with love, compassion empathy and sincerity. Bestow that love and compassion upon humankind, especially on the poor, the sick, the disabled and the lost. We serve to relieve the suffering and the stresses of the people in our community. We accomplish this service by using the gift that we have to work with our hands, and by passing on that gift with love.

Service is not limited to a geographic location or group of people. While serving those in Third-World countries is a wonderful endeavor, traveling the world in order to serve is not necessary. You can start by simply reaching out to your own community. The location and people you serve does not matter - what matters most is that you serve with love and compassion, giving yourself without expecting anything in return. This is serving for the sake of service.

Connecting With Your Innate Intelligence

Growth also occurs as you connect with your higher self. As you give out of your own abundance, the universe sends you messages. These will also come in the form of intuitions, feelings or hunches. Go with these hunches. When you do, fantastic things start to happen. Tremendous growth happens as you become aware of your innate intelligence and act on it.

If you are having trouble connecting with your innate intelligence, try this. Pretend that you have a wise teacher or advisor living with you at all times. Visualize this teacher speaking with you daily, coaching and advising you on matters of importance, such as how you can bring more love and compassion to the world, or how you can help people in Third-World countries and in your community. After you have practiced these visualizations and communications for one month, your innate intelligence is indeed present.

As you harmonize with your innate intelligence, allow it to become the director of every part of your life. Connect with it on a daily basis, and you will seek to learn and explore the greater being that you are. The joy of providing the service of compassion and love to humankind infuses you with a desire to serve and love, and you will never want to stop.

From time to time, your wise old teacher will give you tasks. While those tasks may be unique to each individual, they ultimately point to ministering and facilitating change in the world. We all have a charge to change the world, but the way we go about changing it depends on us. As you serve and follow your innate intelligence, your life purpose will be revealed to you so that you will experience personal growth and fulfillment and change the course of humanity. One individual can impact millions of people.

Knowing that you are chosen by the universe changes the way you perceive life, especially material wealth. You serve because the universe chose you and because you desire to serve for the express purpose of serving.

As your perspective shifts toward servanthood, material wealth loses its place of prominence, and you realize that the universe will reward you for your service. Prosperity will probably come, but it will no longer be your focus. Rather, it will be used as a tool to carry out your purpose of helping the world. Moreover, when you serve for the sake of service, you open up your heart to receive. There is an abundance of everything in the universe and a lack of nothing. Focus on service and abundance will come.

World-Changing Work

Now, it is time to give back. It is time to serve. We were created for a life of good deeds, and as we perform the assignments given to us by our wise old teacher, we are fulfilling our life purpose. Listen carefully to your innate intelligence for your unique and special task. When you fulfill that commission, the rewards will be your greatest treasure: love, serenity and joy.

I have experienced the benefits of living out these principles while listening to my innate intelligence. As I serve, it inspires me, filling me with so much love and compassion for humankind that I have the energy to continue serving my patients and community. My life has grown rich and abundant because I became a servant. Take the challenge to transform yourself and develop genuine love and compassion. It may be demanding to make the change, but it is well worth the effort.

Please consider volunteering at our Mission-Chiropractic clinic and chiropractic orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. To find out more information and to view a life-changing video, please visit

In closing, let me leave you with some quotes to ponder:

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver - Maya Angelou

Be silent as to services you have rendered, but speak of favors you have received - Seneca

Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy - Jim Rohn

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give - Winston Churchill

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others; something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it - Albert Schweitzer

Dr. Peter Morgan has a private practice in Rye, NY. He heads up missions to various Caribbean countries, as well as to Tibet. You can visit his Web site at

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