Dynamic Chiropractic Archives -
August 12, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 17)
By Editorial Staff
An interview with Lt. Col. Michael D. Girone, DC.
By Peter W. Crownfield, Executive Editor
By K. Jeffrey Miller, DC, MBA
By Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h), Publisher
By Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
By Marc Heller, DC
By Mark Sanna, DC, ACRB Level II, FICC
By Lisa Zaynab Killinger, DC; guest author for Rand Baird, DC, MPH, FICA, FICC
By John Maher, DC, DCBCN, BCIM
If any of your patients are taking this drug for blood sugar control, you need to know how certain supplements can impact its effectiveness.
By Todd Mexico, DC and Brandon Blood, DC
By Van Merkle, DC, CCN, DCBCN, DABCI
By Kerry Bone, BSc (hons), Dipl. Phyto.
By Christopher Kent, DC, Esq.
By Steven Kraus, DC, DIBCN, CCSP, FASA, FICC
By Editorial Staff