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Fat on the Inside

By Editorial Staff

Doctor's scale. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Thin may be in, but flabby is definitely out. Some doctors now believe the fat surrounding organs such as the heart, liver and pancreas may be as dangerous (if not more dangerous) as the fat you can see from the outside.

Based on MRI scans of more than 800 people since 1994, Dr. J. Bell, a professor of molecular imaging in London, and his team found that as many as 45 percent of the women and nearly 60 percent of the men with normal body mass index (BMI) scores had excessive internal fat. The data suggests that if you maintain your weight through diet rather than exercise, you may have large deposits of internal fat, even if you are thin.

According to the BMI, a measurement comparing your weight and height, you are considered overweight with a score of 25 to 29, and obese at 30 or higher. But a recent study indicates that some people with a BMI approaching 28 actually have little body fat, and people with a BMI as low as 24 may have too much. (Don't know your BMI? Check out the BMI Calculator at

A calculator. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark When it comes to your health, experts say there is no shortcut. "If you just want to look thin, then maybe dieting is enough," Bell said. "But if you want to actually be healthy, then exercise has to be an important component of your lifestyle." So, no matter what your body type or weight, get out there and exercise!

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