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Fish Lowers Women's Stroke Risk

If you still haven’t incorporated fish into your diet, now may be the time to reconsider. Higher fish intake has been associated with reducing the risk of certain types of stroke in middle-aged women.

Several mechanisms may be involved, especially the high doses of certain fatty acids commonly found in fish.

According to an extensive study conducted among nurses, women with the highest levels of fish intake had a 49% reduction in the risk of blood clot related stroke. This positive relationship was incremental, in that each higher level of fish intake (i.e., one or less times per month vs. two or more times per month, and so on) correlated with less risk for stroke.

It’s important to note that among women who used aspirin on a regular basis, there was only a minimal change in stroke risk. However, these results provide evidence that consumption of fish, particularly the fatty acid component of fish, are associated with a reduced risk of total stroke and blood clot related strokes.

Your doctor can tell you more about the benefits of fish and other foods, and outline a complete nutritional program suitable to your specific needs. Additional information on nutrients can also be found on line at


Hiroyasu I, Rexrode KM, Stamfer MJ, et al. Intake of fish and omega-3 fatty acids and risk of stroke in women. The Journal of the American Medical Association 2001: Vol. 285, No. 3, pp304-311.


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