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Back Pain: A Question of When, Not If
According to the annual report on the nation's health by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans are living longer, with a lifespan just shy of 80 years; but we are living with more chronic pain – especially back pain.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the CDC, approximately one in four American adults said they had suffered from a daylong bout of pain in the previous month. Lower back pain was among the most common complaints, along with migraine or severe headache and joint pain. More than 25 percent of adults interviewed said they had experienced low back pain in the previous three months.

Amy Bernstein, the researcher who led the study, said, "We chose to focus on pain in this report because it is rarely discussed as a condition in and of itself – it is mostly viewed as a byproduct of another condition."

There is reason more low back pain sufferers choose chiropractic than any other method of care to resolve their pain. If you're suffering from back pain, schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. If you haven't yet visited one,

To learn more about back pain and how chiropractic can help, visit


  1. Health, United States, 2006. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  2. Reuters press release: "Long-Term Pain Hits 1 in 10 Adults." Nov. 14, 2006.

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