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Zinc: An Important Mineral for Children and Adults

Most people aren't aware of the importance of zinc in their diet. Zinc deficiency can contribute to acne, fatigue, growth impairment, slow wound healing, delayed sexual maturation, hair loss, high cholesterol, and many other health problems.

Zinc deficiency can also impair the body¹s ability to fight infection.

In children, this can greatly increase the risk of suffering from two of the more common infectious childhood diseases: pneumonia and diarrhea. But there may be a solution, and it could be as easy as making sure you and your children get enough zinc.

A study in the Journal of Pediatrics reviewed previous research on the benefits of zinc supplementation, finding 10 trials worthy of analysis. In seven studies, zinc supplementation was provided at 1-2 times the recommended daily allowance (RDA) 5-7 times per week. In the remaining three studies, zinc supplementation amounted to 2-4 times the RDA daily for two weeks.

Zinc supplementation reduced the risk of developing diarrhea and pneumonia in both sets of trials. The authors note that these results emphasize the importance of adequate daily zinc intake, and add that their findings are especially significant to developing countries where zinc deficiency is common (and where diarrhea and pneumonia represent the two leading causes of death).

Good sources of zinc include fish, egg yolks, lima beans, meats, pecans, poultry, soybeans and whole grains. Your chiropractor can evaluate the nutritional needs of you and your children and help ensure that your family get the vitamins and minerals necessary to stay healthy and fight disease.


Bhutta ZA, Black RE, Brown KH, et al. Prevention of diarrhea and pneumonia by zinc supplementation in children in developing countries: pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Pediatrics 1999: Vol. 135, pp689-97.

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