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Onions and Curry Help in the Fight Against Colon Cancer
Two compounds found naturally in onions and curry may help protect people from colon cancer, suggests a recent study by a team from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine. Quercetin and curcumin may have "significant effects in patients with FAP," an inherited colorectal cancer syndrome characterized by the development of hundreds of colorectal polyps.

The researchers gave patients with a history of FAP a 480mg dose of curcumin and a 20mg dose of quercetin orally three times a day for six months.

According to the researchers, although the amount of quercetin administered was comparable to a personís daily intake, the 480mg dose of curcumin was considered in excess of a normal daily amount. For this reason, the study suggested the use of supplements.

At the end of the study the patients had a 60 percent decrease in the number and size of their polyps. Although the researchers feel more studies need to be done, the results paint a positive picture. For more information on the benefits of adding vitamins and supplements to your diet, ask you chiropractor, or visit


Cruz-Correa M, Shoskes D, Sanchez P. Combination treatment with curcumin and quercetin of adenomas in familial adenomatous polyposis. Clinical Gastroenterological and Hepatology. 2006;4(8):1035-1038.

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