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Acupuncture Today – December, 2006, Vol. 07, Issue 12

News In Brief

By Editorial Staff

AOM Alliance and AAOM Talks Continue

The American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM) and the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance (Alliance) are continuing their discussions on how to work in a more unified manner to advance the acupuncture profession.

Following the initial meeting at the Alliance conference in Keystone, Colo., numerous teleconferences were held between members of the two organizations. Recently, members of both boards met at the AAOM conference held in Phoenix.

"There is a lot of common ground between the AAOM and the Alliance, and the sharing of our views has been a very enlightening process," said Will Morris, president of the AAOM.

"We are pleased with our conversations with the AAOM," added Leslie McGee, president of the Alliance. "There is a lot more trust now than before, and that will enable us to work more closely together."

The next meeting between the two organizations is scheduled for January 2007.

New Mexico AOM Board Allows for Reinstatement of Expired Licenses

The New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NMBAOM) recently adopted a provision allowing a doctor of Oriental medicine (DOM) with a license that has been expired since 2001, a chance to restore his or her license. The provision, which is only in effect until July 31, 2007, was announced in a letter sent to all DOMs whose licenses expired in 2001. A detailed explanation of the applicable requirements and fees was included in the mailing. For more information, you can contact the NMBAOM office at (505) 476-4630 or via e-mail at .

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