Risk, Stress Should Be Used to Determine Relative Values for Acupuncture Points
Dear Editor:
Shane Burras' article "AIMS Conducts Analysis of New CPT Codes" is for the most part dead-on, but omitted a very important point.
Where is the fairness when the AMA CPT Committee assigns over 50 relative values for X-rays depending on the particulars of what is being X-rayed, and then apparently "assumes" that there are no such differences when points are needled that overlie the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain stem, eyes, carotid artery, etc.? While I have never heard of an experienced acupuncturist puncturing any vital organ, one would be hard-pressed to find any responsible acupuncturist who stated that he or she did not take extraordinary care and caution needling such points, and that failure to do so would not pose a greater risk of harm to the patient.
The outcome of any efforts to correct the problems with the new acupuncture CPT codes would be no less egregious if, at minimum, different relative values were not assigned by grouping points based on the risk to the patient and the stress put on the physician.
Jeff Reininger, LAc, DOM, AP
Ft. Lauderlade, Florida
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