As part of our ongoing effort to be a comprehensive source of acupuncture news and information, we have added several features and upgrades to, the online version of Acupuncture Today.
Online Archives and Graphs.'s Archives section includes free, printable copies of every article and graph ever published in Acupuncture Today. You are welcome to share these items with patients or other practitioners.
Discussion Forums. The Open Discussion Forum is an online meeting place for acupuncturists, students, patients and other health care providers interested in the profession. Here, users from around the world can share ideas and communicate with each other.
Links. An Acupuncture Links page has been added, which provides links to state, regional and national acupuncture and Oriental medicine organizations; publications; institutions; and other health-related sites. Users are welcome to submit links for inclusion.
We are constantly seeking ways to improve to make it the best, most complete source of acupuncture and Oriental medicine information on the Web. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at , or by fax at (714) 536-1482.
Acupuncture Today editorial staff members research, investigate and write articles for the publication on an ongoing basis. To contact the Editorial Department or submit an article of your own for consideration, email mailto: