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Patients Overwhelmingly Recommend Their Chiropractors

Surveys of patient satisfaction provide a valid means for determining the value of health care, so chiropractors strive to keep their patients as healthy and happy as possible. A recent survey of chiropractic patients adds to a trend of high approval ratings for chiropractic care.

To evaluate consumer satisfaction with chiropractic care, 150 patients were asked to complete a questionnaire at one visit. The randomly selected patients were asked to rate nine various aspects of quality of care in one of five levels: excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor. The results of the study, published recently in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, indicate a high level of satisfaction with chiropractic care. The percentage of patients who answered "excellent" for the listed category are listed below:

  • Personal manner of chiropractor: 92%
  • Length of time to set up appointment: 85%
  • Technical skills of chiropractor: 83%
  • Length of wait at office: 76%
  • Time spent with provider: 74%
  • Physician explanation of procedures: 73%

The authors of this study note that every one of the respondents rated overall satisfaction either "very good" or "excellent," and an amazing 96% claimed they would recommend their doctor of chiropractic to their family and friends. The only questions that received any "fair" ratings at all were those regarding office convenience and a physician's explanation of treatment, while none received "poor" ratings.


  • Gemmell HA, Hayes BM. Patient satisfaction with chiropractic physicians in an independent physicians' association. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2001:24(9), pp. 556-559.
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