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Getting Rid of the Pain

The word "fibromyalgia" might not mean that much to you, but don't tell that to someone afflicted with the condition. Fibromyalgia sufferers report chronic, achy muscular pain in many specific but widely dispersed sites, particularly the lower back, neck, shoulders, upper chest and/or thighs. While the precise cause of fibromyalgia remains uncertain, evidence suggests that the immune system is involved.

The cure for fibromyalgia also remains elusive, although a recent study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) provides evidence that chiropractic care may provide some relief. Study participants underwent 30 chiropractic treatments combining several different techniques (including spinal manipulation). Results showed significant reductions in pain intensity and improvement in quality of sleep and overall fatigue in nine of the 15 patients. These improvements were maintained one month after treatment. The six patients who did not respond to chiropractic care tended to be older and have more severe fibromyalgia than the other patients.

More work needs to be done to determine the specific role chiropractic plays in the management of fibromyalgia, but these results are certainly promising. For more information on fibromyalgia and other conditions that may respond to chiropractic care, schedule a consultation with your local doctor of chiropractic.


  • Hains G, Hains F. Combined ischemic compression and spinal manipulation in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a preliminary estimate of dose and efficacy. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, May 2000: Vol. 23, No. 4, pp225-30.
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