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Neck Pain as Common as Back Pain?

Low-back pain affects more than 150 million Americans each year -- that's 56% of the population! And until researchers prove otherwise, it's probably safe to assume that this estimate applies to the rest of the world. Doctors of chiropractic know just how to handle back pain, and fortunately, they're also great at diagnosing and treating many other disabling conditions, including neck pain.

Neck pain may be as frequent as low-back pain, at least according to a recent study that posed two questions to 1,131 Canadians: "In your lifetime, have you ever experienced neck pain?" and "Do you have neck pain at the present time?" Two-thirds of the patients reported experiencing neck pain in their lifetime and 22.2% complained of neck pain at the time of the study.

Whether you live in the United States or Canada, Belgium or Brazil, back and neck pain can strike anyone at anytime. Wherever you are, ask yourself these same two questions about neck pain. If you answer "yes" to one or both, here's a third question for you: When you suffer from neck pain, where should you go? Oh, and here's the answer: your doctor of chiropractic!


  • Cote P, Cassidy JD, Carroll L. The Saskatchewan Health and Back Pain Survey: the prevalence of neck pain and related disability in Saskatchewan adults. Spine, August 1, 1998: volume 23, number 15, pp1689-1698.
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