If this is your first visit to the chiropractor, here's just
one example of what you've been missing: Manual therapy preserves
the mobility
- and money - of patients, according to a study published
in the British Medical Journal. An Amsterdam research
team studied 183 patients with neck pain of at least two weeks'
duration. Of the patients (18-70 years of age), 60 received
manual therapy, 59 received physiotherapy, and 64 received
treatment from a general practitioner (GP).
A higher percentage of patients in the manual therapy group
reported "complete recovery" after seven weeks than either
of the other two groups:
- Sixty-eight percent of the patients receiving manual therapy
- Fifty-one percent of physiotherapy patients recovered.
- Thirty-six percent receiving care from the GP recovered.
But that's not all: After six months, total treatment costs
for patients assigned to the manual therapy group were only
approximately one-third the total treatment costs of physiotherapy
or general practitioner care:
- Manual therapy: $402
- Physiotherapy: $1,167
- General practitioner care: $1,241
Left untreated, neck problems can lead to significant, long-term
disability. But take some relief in knowing that by correcting
this problem using chiropractic, you're receiving the best
care possible - and saving money at the same time!
- Korthals-de Bos IBC, Hoving
JL, van Tulder MW, et al. Cost effectiveness of physiotherapy,
manual therapy, and general practitioner care for neck pain:
economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial.
British Medical Journal, April 26, 2003: Volume 326,
pp. 911.